This page features resources related to African Americans in North Carolina during the 20th century. Researchers will find documents pertaining to public institutions and services, segregation, civil rights, education, health, and society and family. Subject terms, alternate titles, and significant dates within the publication are included under each resource description.
Minnie Evans. Outsider Art.
Lovell, Charles Muir. Minnie Evans : artist, 1993.
This document provides biographical information on Minnie Evans, an African American painter from North Carolina. It also includes images of her art that were displayed at the Cameron Art Museum, formerly known as St. John's Museum of Art, in Wilmington, North Carolina.
Subjects: African American painters, Women painters, 20th Century
Next generation: southern Black aesthetic, 1990.
This is a catalog for an exhibition held at the Southeastern Center for Contemporary Art in Winston-Salem, N.C. from May 5-July 15, 1990, featuring African American artists.
Subjects: African American artists, 20th Century
Party at the beginning of the
Vacation Reading Club,
Richard B. Harrison Library,
June 1963. DigitalNC.
20 Years: Richard B. Harrison Public Library--Raleigh, NC, 1955.
This document gives an overview of Richard B. Harrison Public Library, an African American institution in Raleigh, NC. The summary includes a detailed history of the library's inception and growth, the services that were offered in the mid-twentieth century, and statistics for their collection and finances.
Subjects: Late 20th Century, Public Institutions and Services, Segregation, Education, Finances, Health, Statistics, Relationship with Whites, Society and Family Life
Colored Orphanage of North Carolina. Report to the Board of Directors of the Colored Orphanage of North Carolina, 1902-1942.
This set of documents gives an overview of the operations of the Colored Orphanage of North Carolina during the first half of the twentieth century. The reports include discussions regarding the health, education, activities of the children, and the activities and expenditures of the institution.
Subjects: Early 20th Century, Relationship with Whites, Health, Education, Economics, Children, Civil Rights, Segregation
Significant Dates: 1902/1903, 1908/1909, 1916/1917, 1923/1926, 1929/1930, 1930/1931, 1931/1932, 1937/1940, 1941/1942
Alternate Titles: Annual Reports of the Colored Orphanage, Oxford, N.C.; Report of the Colored Orphan Asylum of North Carolina Situated at Oxford, N.C.; Report of Superintendent; Report to the Board of Directors
North Carolina Martin Luther King, Jr. Commission. Six-Year Report, 1993-1999, 1999.
This document contains an overview of the activities of the North Carolina Martin Luther King, Jr. Commission over a span of six years. The report includes an overview of the various outreach programs in which the organization participated, as well as an account of their financial dealings.
Subjects: Late 20th Century, Civil Rights, Economics, Public Institutions and Services, Relationship with Whites, Society and Family Life, Economics
Larkins, John R. Negro Population of North Carolina, 1945-1955, 1957.
This document is a statistical examination of the situation of African Americans in North Carolina in the mid-twentieth century, and includes all aspects of their lives: health, education, suffrage, society, and economics.
Subjects: Late 20th Century, Statistics, Relationship with Whites, Economics, Society and Family Life, Health, Education, Suffrage and Representation
Korstad, Robert R. Dreaming of a Time: the School of Public Health: The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1939-1989, 1990.
This document summarizes the history of the School of Public Health of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. An important part of this summary is the discussion of the evolution of the relationship of the university with African Americans, from their peripheral involvement to their acceptance into the school.
Subjects: Late 20th Century, Segregation, Education, Civil Rights, Relationship with Whites, Health
Rosser, Donna B. and Lopez, Laureen M. Assessment of Health Service Needs for the African-American Community in North Carolina, 1994.
This document contains a report on the public services needed for African Americans in North Carolina. It includes statistics and analysis of the contemporary situation, as well as objectives for future improvement.
Subjects: Late 20th Century, Health, Economics, Relationship with Whites, Society and Family Life, Public Institutions and Services, Statistics
Training Research and Development, Inc. and North Carolina Office of Minority Health. Assessment of the Climate for Cultural Diversity in North Carolina Public Health, 1997.
This document consists of a study on the health gap that existed between minority racial groups and the white population in North Carolina at the end of the twentieth century. The report looked at the services that were available at the time and the ways that they could be improved. It also discussed how the state could work to build services that both promoted cultural diversity and were culturally specific.
Subjects: Late 20th Century, Health, Civil Rights, Public Institutions and Services, Statistics, Relationship with Whites, Economics
Alternate Title: Cultural Diversity
North Carolina Center for Health Statistics, Office of Minority Health and Health Disparities. North Carolina Minority Health Facts: African Americans, 1998, 2005, 2010.
This set of documents gives a comprehensive overview of the health of African Americans in North Carolina in the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. The studies look specifically at age, geographic region, socioeconomic levels, access to health care, and statistics regarding mortality, population, illnesses, conditions, and pregnancy.
Subjects: Late 20th Century, Early 21st Century, Health, Civil Rights, Relationship with Whites, Society and Family Life, Public Institutions and Services, Economics
Alternate Title: African Americans
Surles, Kathryn B., Karen T. Graham, and Delton Atkinson. Health status of Blacks in North Carolina, 1993.
This document contains a detailed report on the health of African Americans in North Carolina at the end of the twentieth century. The report includes statistics and their analysis, as well as plans for improvement of the health of African Americans in the future.