The Census Bureau, part of the U.S. Dept. of Commerce, is the largest statistical agency in the United States. They produce numerous censuses, surveys, and programs, which help allocate funds, research, and planning. Use the platform to access demographic and economic data from the most extensive censuses and surveys.
Censuses | Surveys | Programs |
The census of population and housing is the largest survey conducted by the Census Bureau in years ending in 0 (zero). Article I of the Constitution requires that a census be taken every ten years to reapportion congressional seats of the U.S. House of Representatives. It is the basis of many statistical programs reporting characteristics of the U.S. population. It strives to count all U.S. residents on April first of the Census year. It also allows lawmakers to distribute federal funding based on findings.
Census questions may change decade to decade depending upon the information lawmakers seek. To see what questions were asked decade to decade see the United States Census Bureau's Through the Decades.
1790 | 1830 | 1870 | 1910 | 1950 | 1990 |
1800 | 1840 | 1880 | 1920 | 1960 | 2000 |
1810 | 1850 | 1890 | 1930 | 1970 | 2010 |
1820 | 1860 | 1900 | 1940 | 1980 | 2020 |
The 2020 Census
The U.S. Census Bureau developed the American Community Survey (ACS) to respond to the rapidly changing population allowing the publication of data estimates on an annual basis. Unlike the decennial census, it is a continuous rolling monthly sample of single-year and five-year estimates. The purpose of the ACS is not to count every person in a community or town but rather to provide characteristics over a given period of time. It provides detailed demographic, social, economic, and housing characteristics. ACS Data is usually released twice a year; a one year or 12 month survey and a five-year or 60 month survey.
1-year estimates | 5-year estimates |
12 months of collected data | 60 months of collected data |
Data for areas with population of 65,000 or more | Data for all areas down to Block Group |
Smallest sample size | Largest sample size |
Less reliable than 5-year data | More reliable |
Most current | Least current |
Best used when | Best used when |
Currency is more important than precision | Precision is more important then currency |
Analyzing large populations | Analyzing small populations and geographies |