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North Carolina State Budget: Budget Information

A guide to the North Carolina State Budget, including publications available to help citizens understand it.

Summary of the Budget Process

  1. The head of each state agency gives budget recommendations to the Governor.
  2. The Governor publishes his/her budget and it goes to the General Assembly.
  3. The House makes changes to the Governor's budget and produces its version.
  4. The Senate makes changes to the Governor's budget and produces its version.
  5. The parts of the House and Senate budgets that differ go to a conference committee to resolve the differences.
  6. The General Assembly submits its ratified budget to the Governor.
  7. The Governor either signs the budget into law, does nothing and the budget becomes law in 10 days, or vetoes the budget and returns it to the General Assembly.
  8. After the budget becomes law, the ratified budget is certified by the NC Office of State Budget and Management and is then issued to each agency as their operating budget for the next year.

General Budget Publications

Our State, Our Money: A Citizens' Guide to the North Carolina Budget
This guide, created by the North Carolina Progress Board, provides an easy-to-read explanation of what the budget is, how it is created, and where the money goes.

Years available:

Alternate names:

  • Citizens' Guide to the North Carolina Budget

North Carolina Budget Manual
The North Carolina Budget Manual is produced by the Office of State Budget and Management. This publication provides information used by North Carolina departments, agencies, and institutions to administer their budgets. It provides information on budget execution, fiscal policies and regulations, travel policies and regulations, personnel, rule analysis, and reporting.

Years available:

Budget Manual is now a website:

Alternate names:

  • Budget Manual
  • State of North Carolina Budget Manual