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Agriculture in North Carolina: Print Resources

A guide to print and digital resources, including state documents, on North Carolina's agricultural industry.

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Genealogical Research

U.S. Agriculture Census Schedules (1850-1900)

From 1820 to 1910 the U.S. government did an agriculture census; unfortunately only the 1840-1880 Agriculture Census Schedules have survived. The Government & Heritage Library has all of the surviving Agriculture Schedules of North Carolina. For more information about what can be found on the Agriculture Census Schedules and a complete list of locations that have these records, check out this article.

Resources in the GHL Catalog


Still Stumped?

Below you will find links to our list of subject terms and state government agencies (both arranged alphabetically) as well as a how-to on searching the NC State Publications collection. Please feel free to contact a librarian with any questions.

  • Find documents created by specific state agencies.
  • Contact the Government and Heritage Library for questions.