Just like public companies file an annual report to make their finances transparent to their employees, shareholders, regulators and the public, the North Carolina office of the State Controller publishes an annual report, the Comprehenive Annual Financial Report (CAFR), with all information necessary for anyone to gain an understanding of the state’s financial activities during the previous year.
Reports in paper are available 1986 to present.
Digital issues are available for the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report from 1997 to present.
This report is referred to as the “Popular Report” and summarizes the basic financial information about our State. This report is only 21 pages but the information contained in it is supported in greater detail in the 355 page Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. Financial Highlights provides information at the government wide level in addition to the major fund level. Coverage of legally separate but related organizations is limited to universities and is at a high level. North Carolina Financial Highlights is a coordinated effort on the part of state and local governments to produce a simplified financial report that makes information about the state's financial condition transparent.
Reports in paper are available for 1998 and 2007 to present.
Digital issues are available of North Carolina Financial Highlights from 1998 to present.
The General Fund Monthly Financial Report presents revenues, receipts, appropriated expenditures and disbursements on a cash basis generally in the month when cash is received or cash is disbursed.
There are no paper reports.
Digital issues are available of the State of North Carolina General Fund Monthly Financial Reports are available from June 1997 - present.